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Counseling Center

Welcome to the Counseling Center

We seek to provide students with the academic and life skills necessary for them to become lifelong learners and contributing members of their community.

What we do

Students see their counselor for a variety of reasons including: help with schedules, grades, organization, personal/social help, college & career assistance, mental health, drug & alcohol help, basic needs, and more.

Students often refer themselves, or a teacher/staff member will refer a student. To make an appointment, contact the counseling secretary, Mrs. Poppert.


How does Canvas work?

We have received a lot of questions about how to navigate Canvas. Check out this video for help getting oriented. For more information on how to sign up to be an observer of your student, check out the Family Tech Tools area.

TOGETHER! after-school Club House

Local non-profit TOGETHER! hosts Club House at Chinook during the summers and after school. See more information about Club House.

Calming Space

Room 209 is the new calming space thanks to the North Thurston Education Foundation.

Counseling Resources

Contact Us

Lori Poppert
General questions, making appointments, or registering/withdrawing a student

School Counselors

Elizabeth Hamilton
Last names A–L

Greg Rolen
Last names M–Z

Mental Health Specialist

Bassie Whipple

Crisis Clinic

The Crisis Clinic of Thurston and Mason Counties provides free help any day or night by text or phone:

  • Text HELP to 741741
  • Call 360-586-2777